About Us
Each year Advocates helps more than 20,000 individuals with autism, brain injuries, mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. Our goal is to help individuals engage in meaningful work, obtain and keep decent housing, sustain satisfying relationships, and live healthy lives.
Advocates operates 65 fully-staffed group homes and 7 staff-supported apartments for more than 400 adults with disabilities. We provide intense support to 2,500 adults with disabilities who are living with family caregivers.
We operate two opioid addiction recovery homes, three mental health clinics, three family support centers and an employment and training program. Our psychiatric emergency teams respond to 6,500 requests for crisis intervention in the community each year. Our social workers provide treatment and suicide prevention services to thousands of inmates with mental health challenges at the Worcester County Jail, while others help inmates with mental health issues coordinate a successful transition back to the community.